Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wishing I Was Living In A Dream

I often fantasise about winning the lottery, not like an insane amount, just enough to know that I, and anyone that I might decide to share my life with, will never have to work again and still afford a reasonable life style. To be honest sometimes having these day dreams to sink back into, like a comfort blanket, are one of the few things that keep me sane

The first thing I would do is leave my job, closely followed by selling, or giving away, anything that doesn’t have some kind of emotional meaning to me, or would be impossible to replace, and putting whatever remains into storage.

Once I’d done this I would buy a used, 4 wheel drive, estate car and spend the next few days/weeks turning it into a car camper. I’d have the rear windows blacked out, or replaced entirely by solid panels, remove the back seats, level out the floor so I can install a bed, utilising footwells etc. as storage compartments, and kit it out with basic camping, hiking and general survival equipment.

I’d use my new car camper to be a modern day wanderer, travelling around the country, visiting places of interest or natural beauty and using the equipment in my car, the car it self acting as a base camp, to explore locations I may otherwise never see.

Once I’d had my fill of exploring I’d like to settle down in a small house, preferably with no immediate neighbours, and live a fairly simple life of cooking, making preserves, growing veg, consuming copious amounts of media (books, games, films etc.), learning new things (like archery) and looking after a few animals.

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