Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A New Year's Resolution Of Sorts

I'm regularly referred to as "the saddest person I know" by friends, family and the other people who know me. This year I thought I might try to remedy that, for the last few days I've been reading articles about simple ways to make yourself happier. Some of the things that appear in these articles simply aren't currently possible for me, others I don't have the time, drive or financial means to do and some would simply take too much effort, however, something that has appeared in most of these, and also seems to be something fairly simple for me and not particularly time consuming, is making time every day to write in a diary, journal, blog etc. or to simply spend some time writing down your thoughts, feelings and ideas. I don't know whether or not this is going to genuinely help, or even if I'm going to be able to find the time, or the inspiration, to write something every single day, but I'm going to give it a go. Hopefully the act of simply getting things off my chest, and out into the ether, will be somewhat cathartic and help me to become a little bit happier and maybe even allow me to achieve some of the other suggestions that regularly appear in the articles, for example gaining a more regular sleep pattern that allows me to get a full 8 hours a night.

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