Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday Evening

Metal Hammer is my favourite magazine, these days it's more or less the only one I bother to read, it's certainly the only one that I read with any regularity. Unfortunately I find myself with increasingly less time to just sit and read, so when I do find the time I tend to pick up a book, rather than a magazine, and this often leads to me having a backlog of several months worth of issues. Tonight I'm going to try and at least partially rectify that, I've made myself a large pot of tea, broke out a couple of sweet, energy rich, treats, wrapped a cozy blanket around my shoulders and settled in for the night with the intention of reading at least one issue. I know I could just stop buying copies for a few months, but I also know that if people don't buy it then it will simply disappear, and I really don't want it to disappear, so I actually have a long standing, prepaid, subscription. I also know physical print, particularly when it comes to potentially wasteful, throw away products like magazines (please remember to recycle whenever possible), is a dying medium, but I just love the tactile experience, I'm a fairly tactile person, of holding and interacting with something. I know digital mediums are on the rise, and to a large extent I actually support this, but I just don't find myself able to engage with them in the same way as I do a physical product. I know this is something of a personal failing, I know that it's hypocritical, but unfortunately it's the way I am.

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