Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hideous Bridge Troll

I’ve been seeing a lot of good looking people online recently, and I’m not talking celebs or models etc. I’m seeing normal everyday folks, who happen to be pretty stunning, and I just don’t understand how there is so many of them. At first I thought that maybe I’m just imagining it, perhaps it’s down to the photos themselves, maybe the lighting happened to be particularly good or the angle just framed the face perfectly, but when I really thought about it that simply wasn’t true, I’d seen them in so many different situations, both indoors and outdoors, and from so many different angles that it couldn’t be the explanation. Then I thought that it was down to great photo editing, but I’ve seen dozens, if not hundreds, of them and it’s just not feasible for there to be that much photo editing talent about in the general public. After a lot of thought, a bit of soul searching, and maybe just a tiny bit of perving, I’m now certain that I’ve come to the truth of the matter, there’s genuinely a lot of attractive people out there and, by comparison at least, that essentially makes me some sort of confused, hideous bridge troll who thinks it’s a real person.

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