Monday, March 11, 2019

The Creative Craft Show: I Made A Bit Of A Rookie Error

I think I’ve made a bit of a rookie error, based on visiting other conventions and seeing the huge amount of different things they normally have on show, I’ve bought tickets to The Creative Craft Show in Birmingham next weekend. I’m now starting to wish I’d put more research into the convention before jumping in feet first and purchasing myself a ticket.

Last night I was sitting with a mug of tea, and a toasted cheese sandwich, I thought I’d take a more in depth look at what’s there and maybe even plan out what I’d like to see. With a name like The Creative Craft Show I was expecting there to be a real variety of things going on, lots of different of stalls to explore and some interesting displays and workshops. I was actually getting pretty excited and thought things like wood working, metal working, jewellery making, leather craft, pottery, baking, paper craft, sewing, knitting etc. would all have some sort of representation, unfortunately it seems I was mistaken. Having looked through the list of stall holders, and some of the workshops available, the whole show is more or less dedicated to sewing with a small amount of knitting and paper craft thrown in as an afterthought. There is literally nothing, or extremely little, available for anyone interested in the majority of crafts outside of sewing and this is extremely disappointing to say the least.

To be honest I can genuinely understand why they’ve chosen to call it the The Creative Craft Show, naming it what the show actually is, The Textile and Sewing Show, would severely limit it’s interest to the majority and would discourage a lot of people from attending. Even though I understand where they’re coming from I still feel that it’s a somewhat misleading and quite dishonest move by the organisers.

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